Free Email Finder

Find out anyone's verified email address

Find the verified email address of any decision-maker and level up your marketing & sales campaigns by using our email finder. Get started for free!

Trusted by the smartest brands
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Find verified emails in real-time

Find any professional's contact data to kick-off your next highly targeted marketing campaign and drive new leads to your sales funnel.

High accuracy.
All data that is provided to you has run through a large range of tests and validations.
Ultra fast.
We provide you with verified data in real-time. Our robust infrastructure can also handle large bulk requests.
email finder
bulk email finder

Find and export emails in bulks

Simply upload a csv to our system, containing firstname, lastname and domain and we will enrich the file with the desired contact information.

Best value for money in the entire industry

Our promise is to provide a reliable and easy-to-use service combined with a fully transparent and highly competitive pricing.

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20% on annual plans

$39 /month

  • 1000 Email Verifications
  • 1000 Email Searches

$9.99 /month

  • 5000 Email Verifications
  • 5000 Email Searches
View Pricing

$49 /month

  • 2000 Email Verifications
  • 1000 Email Searches

Get started today

It’s time to upgrade your marketing for free! Our free plan provides you with 150 free credits, every month.

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LinkedIn Email Finder: Find emails on social media

We have developed an intelligent chrome browser extension that let's you find the email address of any professional on LinkedIn.

Export LinkedIn Leads to your account
Supports single profiles, sales navigator, groups & recruiter
Available with any plan
Fast 2-minute setup
bulk email finder

Loved by 30,000+ marketers worldwide

Our software is so simple that people can’t help but fall in love with it. Simplicity is easy when you just skip tons of mission-critical features.

Since we have implemented into our marketing process, we have drastically improvedour lead generation that fuels our sales pipeline. In total, we are getting 35% more clients, compared to times where we did not use

Andreas Schuster
CPO @'s email finder has become an integral part of our marketing software portfolio. Their customer support made it a no-brainer to choose them as a vendor, as we had a few custom requirements.

Wernhard Berger
CEO @ BreatheIlo